I often try to get great photo of you, trying to get that perfect one that is worth blowing up and framing. Which I often tell myself to stop because I only have a certain amount of wall space, but I like to dream big. The often difficult part for me is when I tell you that i am going to take a picture and ask "say Cheese", 85% of the time you strike a pose, often a little toooooo pose-y for me(10% of the time you run and hide and other 5% works out). So i decided to share a couple random photos of your extreme posing .
Funny part of all this too is that you pose but often never look at the camera. I often wonder whats going on in your head when i take photos of you. until then i got a little model on my hands always thinking other a pose when the camera come out.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Letter 9: Happiest Place on Earth
Well after many debates about when or if we should go, we finally agreed to take you to Disneyland! Before I got to big and swollen in the heat to walk allllll day. AND before baby sister comes into this world. I will say that you had a blast, and we saw more then 20 Disney characters which you LOVED! I didn't know how the day was going to go but as soon as we walked in and you saw Pluto and Donald, your eyes light up...it was Perfect! Your Dad and I would each get in a line to meet these Disney character so you could get the maximum experience of hugging them. Which I think is funny how in the real world we don't often just hug random people but when they are dressed up the "stranger" rules don't apply. So to sum up our amazing long day of Disney Fun, your 3 top favorite character meet up were:
The rides that got the most smiles out of you!
If I wrote about the day I think it would be a long post, it was quite an eventful day full of your smiles and fun. You also made sure to share all your Disneyland knowledge as if I was testing you, or maybe you just want to make sure I didn't forget it. Only Rule you set for us that day was "No scary witches", which crossed out a couple rides. To end our evening we went to California Adventure to see the World of Colors water show since it was the middle of the week and no firework show. The Water show was Amazing, I didn't know what to expect but it was great, you managed to stay up for the whole thing. You lasted the whole day with a 20 minute nap in the finding nemo line and ended the night falling asleep as soon as we put you in the stroller after the show was over. Definitely happy we got the chance to do this with you at the perfect age. And for months you will be talking about it, no doubts about it because you keep talking about it now.
The rides that got the most smiles out of you!
If I wrote about the day I think it would be a long post, it was quite an eventful day full of your smiles and fun. You also made sure to share all your Disneyland knowledge as if I was testing you, or maybe you just want to make sure I didn't forget it. Only Rule you set for us that day was "No scary witches", which crossed out a couple rides. To end our evening we went to California Adventure to see the World of Colors water show since it was the middle of the week and no firework show. The Water show was Amazing, I didn't know what to expect but it was great, you managed to stay up for the whole thing. You lasted the whole day with a 20 minute nap in the finding nemo line and ended the night falling asleep as soon as we put you in the stroller after the show was over. Definitely happy we got the chance to do this with you at the perfect age. And for months you will be talking about it, no doubts about it because you keep talking about it now.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Letter 8: Cheerleader...who knows?!
So.. cheer leading is not my favorite type of dance but it is so cute to see you cheer yourself on. Cute enough that I decided to write and share photos of you. I love your positiveness about life at this age. I try to keep certain words out of everyday vocabulary (like ugly, stupid, bored, etc) just because they seem so over used by people. I want you to continue to look around the word and see all the beauty. Your Dad tends to always see the negative in things but since you are with me all day I hope much of that isn't picked up by you.
On our trip to Florida you were doing a little dance after you would run under the water playground water spouts. SO every time you went under the water, you would freeze and do some fancy pose. You probably did more then fifty silly poses but I stop photographing you after a while. Now flipping though the photos, you totally look like a little cheerleader. Which if it mean you being happy and cheering about the little things in life you can cheer all you want.
On our trip to Florida you were doing a little dance after you would run under the water playground water spouts. SO every time you went under the water, you would freeze and do some fancy pose. You probably did more then fifty silly poses but I stop photographing you after a while. Now flipping though the photos, you totally look like a little cheerleader. Which if it mean you being happy and cheering about the little things in life you can cheer all you want.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Letter 7: Happy 3rd Birthday
We were happy to be in Florida for you birthday, which was a nice change. When telling you about Florida, somehow alligators came into a conversion, so you started to tell everyone that you were going to see alligators for your birthday. Which is cute, considering seeing a full size male alligator can be scary. Luckily we were able to go on a air boat ride in the Everglades national park. Before we got on the boat we got the chance to meet a 2 year old alligator who was use to being handled so you got to pet it.
The funny part of this whole air boat ride is you ended up falling asleep right away. I woke you up at some point because we saw a large 8 ft male alligator but you did not care much. We later went to dinner and sang you happy birthday which was nice. It's crazy to look back and feel like i just had you yesterday, yet we are celebrating your 3rd birthday. Sometimes i wish you could just stay here at this age, but i am curious to know the person you will grow up to be. I guess writing down memories and keeping photos is the next best thing. For now i get to be thankful for getting to love you for three years and hopefully a lifetime of more years to come. I love you Ah lot, more then i know how to explain.
The funny part of this whole air boat ride is you ended up falling asleep right away. I woke you up at some point because we saw a large 8 ft male alligator but you did not care much. We later went to dinner and sang you happy birthday which was nice. It's crazy to look back and feel like i just had you yesterday, yet we are celebrating your 3rd birthday. Sometimes i wish you could just stay here at this age, but i am curious to know the person you will grow up to be. I guess writing down memories and keeping photos is the next best thing. For now i get to be thankful for getting to love you for three years and hopefully a lifetime of more years to come. I love you Ah lot, more then i know how to explain.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Letter 6: Beans, Corn and Peas
You're probably wondering what beans, corn and peas have to do with anything. Yet they have this thing I like to call amazement, when I, myself, am not very fond of those veggies. My whole life I have never liked them and as I gotten older I will eat them but there is still something about the texture of those three veggies that I do not like. I do not consider myself a picky eater at all, but those veggies are my downfall even though I try to eat them anyways. The Funny part is you LOVE them, which amazes me and makes me happy. I love that you love food as much as I do. I like to joke around that I would eat more if I knew I would not get fat.
I am so proud of the your enjoyment of food and how excited you get about beans and corn especially. I am praying and hoping that you continue to enjoy your food and do not become picky. Until then I will give you as much beans, corn and all the other veggies you love.
I am so proud of the your enjoyment of food and how excited you get about beans and corn especially. I am praying and hoping that you continue to enjoy your food and do not become picky. Until then I will give you as much beans, corn and all the other veggies you love.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Letter 5: My Raising Star
I seriously consider everyday if Ii really need a TV or not. Especially when I have plenty of Live!! Entertainment from you. Everyday you manage to find a microphone in a stick, straw, maraca, or your fist if needed. You really don't know the lyrics to any songs yet but you are amazing at making up your own song and beat. I am often surprise were you get your dance moves but they are constantly great.
Boy do you love being center of attention and having all eyes on you, especially when you get a positive applause. It almost like all the positive fun energy turns you into the energizer bunny.
How much expression and passion goes into your live shows. I think its so cute when you close your eyes and sing as loud as you can. It always kinda scares me a bit because I think your going to fall or something when your dancing and sing with your eyes closed. The other day I decided to watch the new singing reality show, the Voice, and it was hilarious to see how you got more dramatic and passionate with the slow songs. And how crazy and fast you turned with the upbeat song.
I don't know if you'll grow up to be an dancer or singer one day, you definitely Love performing at this age. If this ends up being a phase or maybe a true calling, either way I support it and encourage it because for now it makes you so happy. Just another tiny bit that makes up the complex little person you are that makes me love you a hundred tons more.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Letter 4: My Mermaid
I have always had this thing for mermaids, I love the beach, ocean, swimming in pools. There is something about the water and being in it that i find amazing, which everyday puts a smile on my face when i see that i have a Little water baby of my own. Every morning I start off having a battle with you because you don't want me to touch or brush your mermaid hair. There are days I can do "princess" hair or "Jessie" hair, other words hair-dos beside being down. Soon after getting you ready ...you start asking me when you can take a bath. My goal this summer is to take you to the pool to swim as often as possible just because i know you love it. I love the water, so to know that you may feel the way i feel when swimming to me is exciting. I don't know what is genetic or not but i think its crazy how you are sooooo much like me. I am often told by family that she is this mini-Cindy, which is kinda a trip to possibly see a glimpse of who i was as a child. . .mmmm.. .going off topic.
Towards the end of the day, bath time rolls around and you have probably at least asked me ten times for a bath, often more. Bath time is not a time that you care about getting to wash your hair or scrubbing yourself clean. Bath time means you get to get in this great big bath, that for your size, is like a mini-pool. You get all your mermaid toys and get lost in your little pretend world. It is funny to stand by and listen to your make-believe conversation or when you decide to have mermaid singing time in there. I like to sit back and watch you play or on days i am cleaning, i listen and chuckle to the random stuff i hear you say or sing. I don't know how long these bath times will last for, i often find myself wondering when i stop taking these kinds of baths. But for now i am taking it all in and enjoying this stage and the passion you have for bath time. You will always be my little mermaid, and look forward to seeing how much you will stay connected to the water over time.
Towards the end of the day, bath time rolls around and you have probably at least asked me ten times for a bath, often more. Bath time is not a time that you care about getting to wash your hair or scrubbing yourself clean. Bath time means you get to get in this great big bath, that for your size, is like a mini-pool. You get all your mermaid toys and get lost in your little pretend world. It is funny to stand by and listen to your make-believe conversation or when you decide to have mermaid singing time in there. I like to sit back and watch you play or on days i am cleaning, i listen and chuckle to the random stuff i hear you say or sing. I don't know how long these bath times will last for, i often find myself wondering when i stop taking these kinds of baths. But for now i am taking it all in and enjoying this stage and the passion you have for bath time. You will always be my little mermaid, and look forward to seeing how much you will stay connected to the water over time.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Letter 3: The Beauty of Curiosity
I was lucky to be invited to a kid tour of Amy's Farm in Ontario. And WOW did you enjoy that hour tour of animals. First we got to sit on some benches under some nice and shady Wisteria vines, while Farmer Hilary told all the kids what we were going to see on the farm. You cracked me up because after each sentence she said You repeated it with so much excitement and your eyes would sparkle up. Farmer Hilary told all the kids to "follow the Leader" and lets just say you follow instructions very well.
We got to enjoy their large vegetable garden, She handed out shelling sweet peas to the kids and told them it was nature candy inside the pod. You listen to every word she said and ate the peas out of the pod like it was candy, while other kids did not even want to try them. The kids also got to pick onions for Wilma the cow and rainbow swiss Chard for the chicken. We got to sit in the shade while they brought over Wilma, and told us she was 75 in cow years and her favorite treat are onions. We got to smell and look at the onions before feeding them to her.
We got to enjoy their large vegetable garden, She handed out shelling sweet peas to the kids and told them it was nature candy inside the pod. You listen to every word she said and ate the peas out of the pod like it was candy, while other kids did not even want to try them. The kids also got to pick onions for Wilma the cow and rainbow swiss Chard for the chicken. We got to sit in the shade while they brought over Wilma, and told us she was 75 in cow years and her favorite treat are onions. We got to smell and look at the onions before feeding them to her.
After that we got are piece of swiss chard to give the chickens. Which was fun to see all the roosters and chickens, you really liked a rooster that had this spiky feather hair-do which you said looked like a prince crown...love how everything somehow relates to princesses and princes. After we were done we got to give the sheep and goats some love....literally for you because you made sure you rubbed every animal in that pen and went back a few times to love the baby lambs.
We finished our Tour with the chance to milk a mommy cow named Honeybun which you loved the name. The Farmer gave us instructions which i could see you absorbing it all in like a sponge. The more she talked the more you got excited about milking a cow. I think you were ready to run and get yourself a glass a milk.
After that we got to pet some baby pigs named Oreo, Cookie and Creme. And we washed our hand to go see what veggies they sell from their garden. You wanted some candy peas to take home. We found out they have a little produce market and they have bigger sales on Saturday where they post their current crop on their blog. I truly felt like i got to see how curious and enthusiastic you are about the world around you. I loved the chance to expose you to all the great stuff out there. I hope i get to make you a well rounded and open minded person who loves all that god has created and placed on earth for us to use and love.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Letter 2: Being in the Present
I feel like this past easter weekend was jam packed busy, but as i reflect on how you handled it. It reminds me to live in the moment, truly just enjoying what's happening or what i am doing at that very moment. My Saturday was mostly spent at church doing a rehearsal, then later at a easter vigil/baptism. But in between, we were invited by some neighbors for a little easter party. Which you were fully consumed by, all the easter decor, the coloring table, the small bounce house with a tiny ball pit and of course the pirate ship playhouse. By the way, Thank you Lozano Family for the invite, we always enjoy your parties.
Here you are going "Argh" while steering the pirate ship. This is seriously what i consider getting into the moment. I had a few laughs as you walked around saying argh with the plastic sword you found. And when i found you in the captain's quarter with the pretend map and ball n chains. To see you so engaged into your pretend role, also pleased me, to see your imagination rolling so quickly and how much you were enjoying yourself.
You also enjoyed the plastic tube your Dad rolled you in, you had so many giggles and laughs coming out of you, i started to enjoy the moment and stopped looking at the clock.
Later that night we went to an Catholic Easter Vigil which included a baptism that I was part of because i am my niece's godmother. It was going to be about 3 hours, and because I have never sat you down for something that long I packed a little bag with drawing books for your entertainment while sitting with your dad, being that i had to sit in the front pew. You got to all dressed up which you loved, swirling around and showing off your dress. Later after the mass, i found out that you enjoyed it and behaved really well. I was told that you enjoyed all the standing and sitting that was asked of you. That you were repeating what the priest and bishop were saying. That you were dancing and swaying to the music, and enjoyed the first half which was lit by candles, which i thought would've scared you. Of course in my brain I got irritated with myself because I was so concerned for your comfort that I keep looking back at you, kept waiting to hear you getting upset. I was just waiting for something to happen that your dad would run out of church for. To only learn that you adapted quite well into your environment, often enjoying yourself. I am learning not to worry so much, especially with the "what-ifs" and instead just worry maybe when something is actually happening. Sunday was a busy but relaxed day and I just decided to let go of my concerns and just enjoy myself, after seeing how happy and present you were all weekend. Living in the moment is something i hope you somehow continue to do all the way into adulthood. It a way of life that I think everyone has to do to live life to the fullest. I struggle with it but am truly working on it. I have you to remind me, thank you. Another reason to add to all the other hundred of reasons of why I love you.
Here you are going "Argh" while steering the pirate ship. This is seriously what i consider getting into the moment. I had a few laughs as you walked around saying argh with the plastic sword you found. And when i found you in the captain's quarter with the pretend map and ball n chains. To see you so engaged into your pretend role, also pleased me, to see your imagination rolling so quickly and how much you were enjoying yourself.
You also enjoyed the plastic tube your Dad rolled you in, you had so many giggles and laughs coming out of you, i started to enjoy the moment and stopped looking at the clock.
Later that night we went to an Catholic Easter Vigil which included a baptism that I was part of because i am my niece's godmother. It was going to be about 3 hours, and because I have never sat you down for something that long I packed a little bag with drawing books for your entertainment while sitting with your dad, being that i had to sit in the front pew. You got to all dressed up which you loved, swirling around and showing off your dress. Later after the mass, i found out that you enjoyed it and behaved really well. I was told that you enjoyed all the standing and sitting that was asked of you. That you were repeating what the priest and bishop were saying. That you were dancing and swaying to the music, and enjoyed the first half which was lit by candles, which i thought would've scared you. Of course in my brain I got irritated with myself because I was so concerned for your comfort that I keep looking back at you, kept waiting to hear you getting upset. I was just waiting for something to happen that your dad would run out of church for. To only learn that you adapted quite well into your environment, often enjoying yourself. I am learning not to worry so much, especially with the "what-ifs" and instead just worry maybe when something is actually happening. Sunday was a busy but relaxed day and I just decided to let go of my concerns and just enjoy myself, after seeing how happy and present you were all weekend. Living in the moment is something i hope you somehow continue to do all the way into adulthood. It a way of life that I think everyone has to do to live life to the fullest. I struggle with it but am truly working on it. I have you to remind me, thank you. Another reason to add to all the other hundred of reasons of why I love you.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Beyond Thankful
Well I went by the restaurant when they opened today and they did have the camera. I seriously was about to hug the guy i was so happy. I thought writing blogs with no photos would not visual please me, so i thought the start of my blog was going to die before i really got to start it. So I played on Olivia's sea-saw (i think that's how you spell it) and let all her silly screams and giggles let all my crazy "What-if -I-Lost-My-Camera" emotions melt away.
I also finally found a compost bin for cheaper then i planned and am super excited about this Easter weekend. Literally thank god...i feel like everything was going my way today and it felt nice.
I also finally found a compost bin for cheaper then i planned and am super excited about this Easter weekend. Literally thank god...i feel like everything was going my way today and it felt nice.
Lost Camera
Well i had some photos ready to upload from my camera to only find myself freaking out. I could not find my camera only to realize i took it to dinner on Tuesday and must of left it there. Now i am waiting for this place to open in hopes they still have it there. I am seriously praying they do, if not i am going to cry because i just got the camera less then a month ago. And just got some great photos of Olivia. :-(
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Letter 1: Little Helper
It's amazing how over just a few months you suddenly want me to leave you alone and want to be independent. Which I was super happy about when you were using the potty after months of trying to potty train and all the accidents you had. You suddenly decided to be a big girl and were going to the bathroom all by your self. Which I have some pretty sweet pictures of you asleep sitting the the potty but decided to not post those since one day you may be mad at me about it.
So on Monday you insisted on "helping" me make dinner and you wanted to see everything. So up you went on the tiny counter by my stove but away from direct contact of cooking food. I was not enjoying the idea of cooking with you there.

But boy did you enjoy it, I was cutting up mushroom and letting you hand them to me but of course before you would take a bite of each mushroom. Which gave me this warm fuzzy feeling inside because I use to always grab a mushroom as a kid behind my mom's back when at them store. So happy to see you like them too. You also enjoyed sampling the spinach I was chopping after that.
Just the thought of sharing this time of cooking dinner with you next to me asking all your curious questions. Definitely a moment I enjoy, just for the reason of you wanting to be with me because I know over time this relationship I have with you will go through it phases of change. Also just seeing you enjoy the food sampling and being IN the moment with you, on top of all the silly faces you made for the camera.
But boy did you enjoy it, I was cutting up mushroom and letting you hand them to me but of course before you would take a bite of each mushroom. Which gave me this warm fuzzy feeling inside because I use to always grab a mushroom as a kid behind my mom's back when at them store. So happy to see you like them too. You also enjoyed sampling the spinach I was chopping after that.
Just the thought of sharing this time of cooking dinner with you next to me asking all your curious questions. Definitely a moment I enjoy, just for the reason of you wanting to be with me because I know over time this relationship I have with you will go through it phases of change. Also just seeing you enjoy the food sampling and being IN the moment with you, on top of all the silly faces you made for the camera.
Monday, April 18, 2011
My Need to Treasure my Daughter now
I'm SO excited about the baby i am starting to feel move inside me, but the change it brings makes me think about the future. I love ALL the moments and joy my first Daughter Olivia has brought me and how my time will be divided by two in about 154 days. I am a middle child, but at one time was the youngest, then felt like the only child in the house, then became a big sister (which felt like the oldest in the house). Which i think each stage had an impact on me and wonder about the effect this will have on Olivia and what ways it may change her to be the oldest child. She has became the little girl i have always dreamed of so far, i love her over the top personality, her conversations and her need to dance and sing. The goal of me trying to blog....which i hope i can do this, i am not the writer in any form or way. But this is my need to capture Olivia in any way i feel important now, and also for her to know one day what kind of child she was and all MY hopes and dreams for her.
Oh how much i loved this stage, Olivia at 3 month
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